
Assessment which informs teaching and learning is a key feature in the children’s education at Stanford Junior and Infant School. We use assessment to ensure the most effective learning opportunities are provided for children throughout their time in school in order to ensure everyone meets their full potential and that there is a continued raising of standards.
The purpose of our assessment is-

  • To involve each pupil in their learning and encourage them to take responsibility in moving on to their next steps through reflective learning and target setting.
  • To use a range of ‘Assessment for Learning’ tools effectively such as success criteria, partner talk, clear objectives, reflective learning, self- assessment and quality feedback and marking.
  • To inform focused teaching and learning outcomes that meet the needs of the individual child.
  • To provide evidence through the tracking of pupil progress which will identify trends, development needs and resource allocation in order to support school improvement and value added indicators.
  • To impact on the raising standards of achievement throughout the whole school in all subjects.
  • To provide information to enable the school to report to parents, building a partnership between pupils, families and teachers in developing each child.

As many parents are aware the 2014 National Curriculum saw many changes to classroom practice. A new set of objectives were introduced for Key Stages One and Two in all subjects and alongside this saw the removal of levels a s a form of assessment.
‘ Assessment for learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there.’ (Assessment Reform Group 2002)
Assessment for learning involves using assessment in the classroom to raise pupils’ achievement. It is based on the idea that pupils will improve most if they understand the aim of their learning, where they are in relation to this aim and how they can achieve the aim (or close the gap in their knowledge).

Assessment system

At Stanford Junior and Infant School summative assessments are recorded termly following rigorous pupil progress meetings which teachers attend with the Senior Leadership Team. 
We use OTrack to record attainment and progress towards ambitious targets for each pupil and cohort. We have a three-stage recording system, to indicate which pupils are “beginning”, “developing” and secure” in relation to end of year expectations. In addition to these stages pupils may be recorded as reaching “mastery”. 
Our interpretation of “mastery”: -

We also assess pupils in all the non-core subjects:














Assessment drives learning. Feedback to pupils about their learning leads to new learning. Assessment is an essential part of the ethos in every classroom and a continual two way process between adults and children. Planning and assessment are thus interdependent processes.

At Stanford we are committed to teaching children in focus groups when possible to ensure that 'learning conversations' take place. Such conversations focus on the planned learning for the lesson and enable teachers to assess learning, give instant and constructive feedback and to scaffold / develop the next step with the child - immediate improvements can be made. Pupil self-evaluation becomes an essential component of this dialogue and is complete in lessons on a daily basis.



is known to make a valuable contribution to children’s learning, and children throughout the school are now used to being involved in self-assessment, using the planned learning objective as a criteria to assess their learning. We believe that the more aware children are of the purpose of what they do, and the steps they need to take to achieve a target, the more responsibility they will begin to take for their own learning - a vital aspect of achieving success.  At Stanford we use a range of assessments from self-assessment, peer assessment and also verbal feedback within lessons. Pupils assess against the learning objective and success criteria.

Age Related Expectations (ARE)

Since the removal of ‘Levels’ associated with the old National Curriculum the school has chosen instead to use an annual scheme to show if children are working at age related expectation (ARE); using a year group based approached which classifies children as working within a particular year group and as either Emerging, Developing, or Secure, (E, D, S) within that year.
This system is very transparent when examining a child's current attainment and is easy to recognise where a child’s learning sits in the 2014 National Curriculum. We also record the depth, creativity and complexity to which a child can apply their understanding into other contexts

Greater Depth

In addition to the term end of year expectations, the term greater depth is now used to measure a pupil’s level of understanding. Achievement is now focussed on the depth of understanding of the areas taught. Alongside this, the ability to apply this understanding in a variety of contexts rather than moving on to something new.

Therefore more able pupils are no longer encouraged to move up to the learning being taught in the year above, but to now spend time ensuring that they have fully grasped the learning in their own year group and are able to explore this in variety of ways.

This means that pupils working at greater depth are expected to be able to…


Therefore greater depth is not…